6-Month Business Intensive for Trainers + Coaches Who Want to Make a Huge Impact + Income Online in 2020
The FBA enrollment is now closed.
What is Fitness Business Accelerator?
Fitness Business Accelerator (FBA) is a 6-month up-close-and-personal business ACCELERATED program for motivated and action-oriented health and fitness professionals who want to spend LESS time in the gym or the office and MORE time taking distance coaching clients and working from home.
FBA is an accelerated program, led by Jill Coleman of JillFit, to help you build your online platform, attract the perfect client to work with, and start signing clients online within weeks.
FBA is about 2 things only: ACTION + RESULTS.
A little background, because times are a-changin'.
Hi, I'm Jill Coleman, owner at JillFit and your coach in Fitness Business Accelerator!
Over the last 8 years, I've been coaching health and fitness professionals on business in a program called Best of You (BOY). I launched BOY as a year-long education into online business--covering everything from email marketing and Instagram to webinars and affiliate marketing.
BOY was an amazing education in all things online business. BUT, it was super robust and ended up being overwhelming for those juuuust getting into the online space, and who are wanting (and needing!) to get some quick wins impact-wise and income-wise.
Enter Fitness Business Accelerator.
FBA is my new 6-month ACCELERATED coaching course for health, fitness and nutrition professionals who are exhausted from the time-for-money grind and want to learn to leverage the internet to grow their online coaching business FAST.
It's not going to be easy. And it's not for those who aren't fired up to reach a wider audience.
Because I am going to be coaching with you directly, WEEKLY, for 6 months straight, I expect that you are driven, committed and READY to take more action to build your business than you ever have before.
I'm going to be demanding that because that was me.
In 2010, I started JillFit as a blog.
I was a personal trainer and group fitness instructor working 70-80 hours a week in the gym, doing hours of exercise a day and I WAS BEYOND BURNED OUT.
Get up at 4am, at the gym for my first client at 5am. Train, shower, more clients, home for a couple hours to eat and stare at the wall, then back to the gym for evening clients. Home at 9pm, and repeat.
BUT I saw the internet as a way for me to reach more people with potentially less time-for-money grind.
And while JillFit grew fast--to 6 figures within the first 14 months--I was STILL doing time-for-money: writing meal plans, workout programs, getting on Skype calls with clients and returning emails.
The BIGGEST SHIFT happened 18 months into my journey at JillFit.
I was at a crossroads. Now, instead of just working at the gym a billion hours, I was coming home and writing meal plans until 1am. Burning the candle at both ends!
But I didn't know what else to do.
I'd grown up with the mindset of: if you want to make more, you simple work more hours
So when I became 100% maxed out on time, I had ZERO solutions.
BUT, I was also a do-it-yourself-er. Meaning, I thought business was common sense, surely I could figure it out myself.
But the reality was, I just wasn't.
Month after month, I stayed stuck.
I didn't know how to work less. I didn't know how to leverage my time. I didn't know how to automate or create courses and programs that could make money while I slept.
I was terrified to invest!
Like I said, I was a DIY person, I'll figure it out myself. But I knew I needed someone who'd been there, done that, to provide the road map for me to get to the next level.
I reached out to someone who was living the life (and business) I wanted, but was about 5 years ahead of me.
She pitched me on her $10,000 mentorship, and I was terrified! I didn't have that money! Was she insane?!
BUT ... I was stuck and didn't know where to go.
I knew that in order to drastically grow my business, I had to do something drastic.
So the biggest switch came from reaching out to someone who had been where I was, asking for help and then--gulp!--putting skin in the game with time, effort and actual money (a huge shift from my old scared, scarcity mindset!) to make a huge change in my life.
It was after engaging in a series of my own mentorships and coaching, that I felt driven to provide something similar for health + fitness pros who were just like me. Those who were motivated but at a crossroads (like I was) and not sure what the next step should be.
I help those who are passionate about helping others but need the guidance and support of someone who has been where they have.
The program is for health/fitness professionals who want to start, grow and crush their online business so they can free up their time, do what they love and have complete autonomy over their schedules.
This 6-month business-builder course is about 2 things: ACTION + RESULTS.
No extraneous education. Only the things you need to make an impact and an income as fast as possible. And I'm going to be holding your hand every step of the way.
Doors are now closed until 2021.
Who is Fitness Business Accelerator (FBA) for?
- Those ready to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! This is a continuation of #ReadyFireAim and I am looking for people who are done with talking about it, and are finally ready to do the thing!
- Those ready to quit or pull-back on the time-for-money grind and want to learn how to create online products and services that help people all over the world
- People who have a burning desire to create something important, make a huge impact and make money online by following their passion
- Those who are driven and determined, but need help with direction and knowing exact steps to take
- Those who want accountability and guidance from someone who’s been there, done that, and can provide the shortcuts
- Those who have a passion for helping others and identify as a coach of any kind--you don't have to be a trainer, and you don’t have to have a business already—and want to leverage their talents for the internet and make money while they sleep
- Even if you are in currently working a 9-to-5 or are in the corporate world, if you want to delve somehow into health and fitness but don’t know where to start
- I am looking to work with women who are action-oriented and even when they are challenged, will continue to look for solutions instead of crumbling under a victim mentality.
Who is FBA not for?
- People who are not willing or able to take massive action to make a change in their personal and professional lives
- Those whose #1 goal is physique-oriented. This is not a weight loss program — our #1 goal is to get your physique efforts automated so that the time and mental energy you spend on it is minimized, or order to devote time and energy to the business, relationships and recharge time.
- Those who are closed off to self-growth and development, and think they already “got it” or are unwilling to do the deep introspective work required to get better, learn and grow.
- Those who cannot commit to investing in their future, whether emotionally, time-wise or financially. You get out of the program what you put in. The more time and effort you give it, the bigger the returns.
What's Included in FBA?
- Weekly live group coaching calls with Jill—these are the most magical part of FBA. We connect weekly, face to face and I will be teaching briefly, and then giving you assignments and answering any/all questions you have. This is by far the biggest value of the program, and the most impactful. We typically stay on for 1-3 hours each week, and all calls are recorded so that if you cannot be on live, you can listen after the fact ($24,000 value).
- Access to the FBA Educational portal with access to TWO to THREE new trainings per month, including expert interviews, tutorials on marketing, branding, sales, product development and more. I will always be sharing with you the LATEST and most relevant tools and strategies that are working ($9,000 value) - see below for the full curriculum.
- Weekly homework assignments where I'll be walking you through EXACTLY what to be doing week to week--they will build on each other and with patience, practice and consistent implementation, you'll be on your way to a making a bigger impact and income in the next 6 months ($3000 value)
- Access to a closed private Facebook community to connect with other like-minded members, discuss homework assignments, share ideas and collaborate ($6,000 value). NOTE: I will not be coaching directly in here, but will be moderating. The coaching with me happens via our weekly group calls.
- You'll be granted a FREE ticket to the FBA Live event in Los Angeles, CA March 27-28th, 2020 ($1500 value)
- Access to a network of industry leaders (including Jill's Mastermind Coaching Collective members) and Jill's inner circle for resources, contacts and to be surrounded with like-minded women who are all elevating in 2020. Besides, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, soooo 😉
This program is worth over $40,000!
Results you can expect, from some of this year's FBA members:
What can you expect to accomplish in FBA?
- A no-nonsense approach to starting and/or growing your online platform and starting to attract your ideal distance coaching clients right away!
- The absolute LATEST tools and strategies for marketing and selling on the internet - what is working right now. I am obsessed with staying relevant, so as I learn it, you will too!
- A solid “success mindset”–this in invaluable in terms of navigating the waters of online business and honing your abundance mindset. This piece teaches perspective and is lasting.
- ONLY the big dial-movers that are going to help you attract clients to start making a huge impact and income as fast as possible. I have culled down massive amounts of education so that I can ONLY provide you with the things that actually make a difference.
- If you put in the time and work to the program, you can expect to be launching your first online program or product within 3-6 months, making income serving people all over the world--a lot more than you could hope for in-person or locally.
- You can expect to have built an email list and online engaged platform full trusted readers and eventual buyers.
- The exact blueprint you need to continue to grow your business long after the 6 months is over!
What We'll Be Covering:
The major difference in FBA and Best of You is that I won't be spending a lot of time educating on every single aspect of online business. Much of that you'll learn as we go along, and anything you need, we can facilitate live on the calls.
I am committed to ONLY teaching and helping you implement the exact things that are going to help you get clients as quickly as possible.
Yes, we are in the Trust Business, and we are going to build that through content creation and sharing, but FBA will help you ASK a lot faster, too.
This education is stripped down to only what is going to help you make a huge impact and significant income in 6 months.
Doors are now closed until 2021.
What It's Like to Be in Jill's Mentorship:
Doors are now closed until 2021.
Experiences from current and past business coaching clients:

~Elizabeth Benton, owner at Primal Potential and host of the popular Primal Potential podcast

~Justine Shiell-Cappel, founder of Twenty Toes Fitness

~Melanie Knights, founder at Melanie Knights

~Michelle Corso, co-founder of Purely Twins
FBA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You will have access to all the materials as well as the others in the group for support in implementing the curriculum. However, I will not be doing customized coaching within the Facebook group, but will be available via our LIVE WEEKLY Q&A CALLS (normally lasting 1-3 hours) to answer any question about your specific business live, or you can send in a question and I will answer it on the call. I might jump in the group to moderate here and there.
In addition, I have a special 1:1 coaching call rate for all FBA members if you'd like to jump on the phone with me at any time to gain some additional clarity, but honestly we are going to talking so much in our group calls, it's all you'll need to be successful..
What if I don’t currently have a business?
That’s fine, that’s great. Most of women who will join FBA don’t have at least one of the following: a website, blog, business pages on social media. They know they want to, but don’t know where to start. The FBA education takes care of the beginning stages in month #1 and month #2 (and even if you already have a blog and/or social media pages for your business, we teach you how to optimize all of that and start being consistent and more interesting ;)). The goal for each participant is to have the direction, confidence and accountability to get stuff done, and more specifically, to get the right shit done! And ask for the sale as soon as possible.
What if I am not in the fitness industry but think this would help me in the field I am in?
This has come up a bunch, and it’s a great question. FBA is designed to help anyone whose business/endeavor/pursuit could benefit from building an online platform. This includes people outside the fitness industry—mostly those in the service industry, like design, coaching of any kind, creativity, clinicians, nurses, life coaches, doctors, Pos, etc. If you have a specific question about your industry, let me know.
What if I have an in-person business, is FBA applicable?
Something a lot of people don’t think about is that: a larger online following and platform actually helps your in-person business. You’ll be pulled for more expert sourcing in local media, asked to speak more locally and have the opportunity to run online programs (for distance readers) at the same time you launching your in-person programs. They work very well. If you are interested in leaving your business and moving online 100%, we have had several women do just that over the course of FBA.
Do I need to live in the Unites States to be in this group?
You do not. We’ve had women all over the world in the group. The only issue would be the in-person event, which you would have to decide if you could swing. They are important, but they are also probably only 5% of the total experience, so it would be up to you. But if you cannot make them, there is no discount or re-do with me later. However …
What if I can’t make the live event in March, will it be recorded?
Yes, the March will be recorded if you can't make it. Obviously face time is ideal, but you will definitely get all the information one way or another.
I notice that if I finance my investment, I pay $400 more. Is that correct?
Yes, that is correct. Financing is a luxury and I want to give people who are willing/able to invest up front an incentive to do so, so they'll save an additional 20%. BUT, I also understand that every one has a different financial situation and financing can help, especially as they build their business and use the money they make to make their payments. The two options provide each different person a way to invest that will work for them.
How much time will I have to dedicate to this?
This is a tricky question because the actual time that I need to you to spend on the monthly curriculum is actually fairly minimal, probably 10-20 hours a month—watching tutorials, tuning in for live trainings and interacting on our closed group page.
BUT, the amount of time that you will (or can) put into your own business is unlimited! I don’t know how long it’s going to take you to write a social media post or an email to your list, or create products and services. I could never say, and really, and this is the truth: the more you do, the more results you will get in terms of your own business outcomes. But I have women who are doing the minimum and gaining steam. It’s up to you. You get out of it what you put in.
How much technology will I have to be familiar with?
You will need a computer for sure, you won’t be able to do everything on an iPad or phone. But the tutorials outline exact steps for everything, such as setting up a simple WordPress website, starting your email list, writing emails, creating pages on your site, adding a BUY button to your pages, starting your social media accounts, etc. BUT, make no mistake, technology is like learning a new language so if your brain is not used to it, there’s a learning curve. But the good news is that you jump in, mess up and learn as you go. There’s really no wrong way to do it.
If you are in the market for a computer, I always recommend getting an Apple product. They tend to have features that entrepreneurs find useful, like Photobooth, the ability to screenshot things, screen-capturing and design software, etc. But it’s not required, many gals have used PCs.
How much other money will I have to spend on my business?
Great question. You of course always need to spend a little money to make money, but luckily it’s relatively little at first. Your initial website domain and hosting will be around $70 for the year. Your social media pages are free (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), and the only other required expense is for your third-party email provider. I recommend Aweber, and it begins at $19/mth. As your list grows (I think the next tier is 500 subscribers for $29), your payments increase. But of course that’s a good thing because that means you have the potential to make more money too, the more subscribers you have.
Other than that, only expenses would be the in-person events if you choose to participate (travel, accommodations, etc.).
Do you have a money-back guarantee? What if I decide it's not for me?
Two things: 1) I have a 100% money-back guarantee--if you complete the entire course including implementing the content in the tutorials, and showing up to the live calls and you still don't feel like the course was effective or valuable for you, I will happily refund your money. And 2) there is a 30-day refund policy initially and if you decide within 30 days it's not for you, you're eligible for a refund without having to show me your work. Any questions, feel free to email me.
Is there something I missed? Let me know and I’ll get back to you ASAP! info@jillfit.com
Starts January 6th, 2020!
Doors are now closed until 2021.
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