{Archive} Month #6 – To Do

Month #6:

Book Club Read: This month, the focus is learning how to create online products. Develop them, create them and use your expertise to sell them. This month, our book club read is “The Millionaire Messenger” by Brendon Burchard. You know that Brendon and his Experts Academy has been a huge influence on me in terms of the online business realm. This book is provides a great, general overview of how to create something in the experts space online.

Archived months:

Month #1 – Branding + Messaging

Month #2 – Email marketing + market research

Month #3 – Lead magnets + email subscribers

Month #4 – Digital product development

Month #5 – Intro to Marketing + Sales


Your to-do’s for month #6:

This month we are still in the midst of launch mode so I am not going to be giving you too many new to-dos.

Reminder – for group coaching and DIY program launches:

  • Set Anticipation Phase (using related freebie to create “wait list”)
  • Create product
  • Pre-launch
  • Launch

1) So, pick a date on your calendar to launch to the public and work backwards.

If you have not created your product and sketched out launch dates to work backwards from, start with April and May content. Download the 10-Day Launch Formula to sketch out exact dates, giving yourself at least 2-4 weeks for Anticipation (more is better, and you’ll see why in this month’s live trainings!), and then pencil in Prelaunch and Launch dates.

Create your sales page
10-Day_Launch Formula_Guide

2) As a reminder, some marketing prompts for you (write out your answers and this will begin your sales page copy):

Please write out the answers to these questions, as your detailed answers will provide the written copy for sales pages, social media posts and marketing emails. Our potential customers need context. They don’t know the innate value of a “12 week online coaching program,” so we have to paint the picture for them, set the stage and make a case for why this is even important:

  • What is the point of this program/service?
  • Why did you feel compelled to create it?
  • What outcomes can they expect? What will they achieve with you?
  • Why is this program/service needed?
  • If people don’t do this, how will they continue to struggle?
  • Who EXACTLY is this program right for? Get specific.
  • Who is this program NOT for? Use exclusivity language here
  • IMPORTANT: Watch the tutorial on Creating Your Signature Description and Using the Marketing Matrix

3) The NEW InstaChallenge Formula is available! This is a guide for how to create, host, promote and then SELL using FREE Instagram challenges. You can watch the full tutorial and download the slides, as well as access sample sign-up pages HERE.

4) Consider a webinar for lead generation and/or selling.

Webinars can be used for freebies (single webinar or webinar series–think #ActionAcademy) and lead generation, or during launches to actually sell your product. There are several platforms, but the 2 most common are GoToWebinar and WebinarJam.

4) We are beginning to wade into Facebook ads! This is a great (and eventual nonnegotiable) way to get new eyes on your stuff and build your list. We’ll be doing a live training on this this month! See details below.

This month’s relevant trainings:

Additional live trainings on the calendar:

  • New for this month –Tuesday June 12th – Watch here
  • Live Workshop: How-To: Intro to FB Ads – Tues June 19th – Watch here
  • Live Interview with Adam Schafer of Mind Pump Media, all about podcasting! – Wednesday June 20th – Listen here
  • Open Q&A call for June – Wednesday June 27th – Listen here